Carissa Pavlica

Carissa Pavlica

As managing editor and writer at TV Fanatic, I get to do what I love and help others achieve their dreams. Email me at

Fringe Review: "Immortality"

Fringe Review: "Immortality"

The setting for this week's Fringe was the alternate universe. The result, according to our critic, was perfection. Read our review of "Immortality" here.
Posted in: Fringe
Fringe Review: "Concentrate and Ask Again"

Fringe Review: "Concentrate and Ask Again"

Fringe followed up last week's intense installment with a lighter episode this Friday, garnering mixed reviews from TV Fanatic. Here's our take on "Concentrate and Ask Again."
Posted in: Fringe
Fringe Review: "Firefly"

Fringe Review: "Firefly"

Fringe returned with new episodes last night, and the first installment of 2011 certainly made you think. TV Fanatic has reviewed "Firefly" in detail here.
Posted in: Fringe