Max Medina is Rory's English teacher at The Chilton School and dates Lorelai for awhile. After their breakup he leaves the school eventually and teaches at Stanford.

Max Medina Quotes

Lorelai: So where did you learn to make osso bucco anyway?
Max: Um, from this very old Italian woman who used to live upstairs. She had lost her husband a couple of years before and she kinda looked at me as like a son.
Lorelai: Sweet.
Max: She was.
Lorelai: So an old girlfriend huh?
Max: Yep.

(Lorelai's message machine)
Max: Lorelai, it's Max. Medina, Max Medina. And once again we miss each other. It's now 2:00 in the afternoon on Thursday, and I'm in my office grading a paper entitled: Emily Dickinson, Get a Life. Anyhow, as I sit here, losing my faith in mankind, I wonder if we're ever gonna actually go on that date we talked about many moons ago. I teach a night class in Stamford twice a week, and when I pass that Stars Hollow sign on the turnpike, I think: "Out there is a beautiful woman that I someday hope to spend time with." Anyhow, I'm just thinking about you. I don't know, maybe next week we can find some time. Bye, Lorelai...Gilmore. You knew that. Okay, bye.

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Gilmore Girls Quotes

(about the pants she's bought for Luke) I don't know what this fabric is, but I think I want to have its baby.


(to Rory) You can use your mother's old golf clubs. They're upstairs gathering dust along with the rest of her potential.
