Verna is a mysterious woman who shows up in the lives of the Ushers.

Verna Quotes

You know, it was the Greeks who started it. Fourth century BCE. First experiments on animals. At least, documented. Pigs and goats. You know how many animals are used for testing in a year? More than a hundred million. Human beings doing this to so many other species. It's impressive. Medical research on chimpanzees was pretty much banned in 2015. I mean, they said exceptions could be made if the research was proven to be critical to understanding human disease. And if a sizeable donation was made to support the conservation of wild chimps.


There are always consequences. Take you, for instance. Someone, a long time ago, made a little decision, then another, then a big one, then one of absolutely no importance. And then by and by, you were born. On that day, you were the consequence of a harmless choice made by someone in a moment where you didn't even exist. And that choice defined your whole life. You are consequence, Perry. And tonight, you are consequential.

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The Fall of the House of Usher Quotes

Madeline: Mom, you have to drink and… And we think maybe… Maybe we need to call a doctor, like on the TV.
Eliza: No!
Roderick: Mom, please.
Eliza: Jesus showed us how to heal the sick, and it wasn't through medicine! Where is your faith? Your body is a temple of God. And you'd pollute it?!

Camille: We're coming out swinging. Front-facing stuff. Softballs like Fox, Hannity knows which side
his dick's buttered on. He'll be friendly.
Beth: Tucker?
Camille: I just threw up in my mouth a little bit. Yes, um, call Bresnickan at Vanity Fair, see if he wants a profile on Leo. We can let Leo help out for a change. He can talk about his Jordans, and his charity work. Kimmel, Colbert, also Leo. And fuck it, fine, Victorine as well, Victorine will work for Vanity and Cosmo. -For some reason, people like her.