Annie and Silver Pic

Annie and Silver hang out in the West Beverly hallway. As you can tell by the background, Valentine's Day is coming up.

Kelly and Annie

Kelly lends Annie an ear during a big West Beverly lacrosse game. The pretty character have a friendship forming.

More Smooching

Careful, Ethan and Annie. You're about to become a serious threat for the title of Cutest Couple at West Beverly. It's currently held by Silver and Dixon.

Mascot Annie

Annie has school spirit, yes she does? She has school spirit, how about you?!?

Yay Ethan!

Annie celebrates with Ethan. This couple is officially out in the open.

Make Out Alert!

Cover your eyes, Naomi. Ethan and Annie are about to swap a lot more spit.

Awkward Family Reunion

Hi, I'm Annie. And I'm Naomi. Nice to meet you hot ladies... I'm your half-brother, Sean.


Naomi and Annie are in for a surprise: the quasi sisters meet their half-brother in this scene. He's played by Josh Henderson.

Emotional Annie

This isn't the kind of father/daughter bonding that Harry had in mind. He comforts Annie after a very rough night.

A Confrontation

Naomi doesn't want Annie to date Ethan. But Annie is dating Ethan. See the problem?

Total BFF

Silver and Annie bonded from the beginning. Might they even be future sisters-in-law?!?

Three of a Kind

Naomi, Annie and Silver aren't exactly best friends. But the trio laughs it up during this scene from the episode "Secrets and Lies.'


The emotions and the issues are very real... these characters have real layers that will all peel away very, very slowly.

Shenae Grimes

It's not a mom and dad who are home eating bon bons. It's a couple who's f%$k!

Rob Estes