Margie Gets Baptized

During a baptism for Teenie, a very depressed Margie decides to get baptized herself and it certainly turns her spirits around in "The Baptism."

Brothers Henrickson

A picture of the Henrickson brothers, Bill and his younger brother, Joey, from the episode "The Baptism."

Bill and Don

Bill goes walking with his business partner and best friend, Don, through the Home Plus. In "A Barbecue for Betty," Don meets a potential fourth wife.

Frank and Bill

Bill's father, Frank, and his wives come to stay with Bill after they get evicted from the Juniper Creek compound in "Easter."

Bill and Barb

Bill and Barb attend a historic preservation event together and Bill finally sees his first wife through new eyes, prompting them to have an "affair."

The Hunting Trip

Bill and Don plan a big hunting trip in the fourth episode of Big Love, "Eclipse." Here's a picture of Bill and Don in camo.

Bill and his Elder Children

A picture of Bill and his two oldest kids, Sarah and Ben, at the breakfast table from the Big Love episode, "Viagra Blue."

Bill Paxton as Bill Henrickson

Bill Paxton stars as Bill Henrickson, the father and husband of three wives in HBO's hit, Big Love.

Big Love Quotes

Sarah: Why can't we just hire a babysitter like everyone else?
Barb: Because we're not everyone else

Margene: Does that mean you miss me more?
Bill: Officially... I miss you guys all the same.