A Chair Reunion?

In this photo from the second-season episode of Gossip Girl, "The Ex-Files," Blair and Chuck are cleaned up well. Well, Chuck is. Blair always looks great. When will they get together!?

Basshole Lurks

In the Season Two Gossip Girl episode entitled "The Dark Night," Chuck lingers in the dark (literally!) looking to put a move on Blair at the earliest possible convenience.

The Dark Night

In a scene from "The Dark Night," the episode title reveals itself. It's a night that is quite literally dark, as this picture of Chuck illustrates.

Wheeling and Dealing

In the second episode of the second season of Gossip Girl, "Never Been Marcused," Chuck Bass digs deeper into the lives of some new people he has come to know. The results may be surprising.

Cleans Up Well

In the second episode of the second season of Gossip Girl, "Never Been Marcused," Chuck Bass looks pulled together. Must mean he's out to get something!

The Chuck Look

In the second episode of the second season of Gossip Girl, "Never Been Marcused," Chuck gives us that trademark look of his. He's so hot.

Chuck and Catherine

In the second episode of Season Two of Gossip Girl, "Never Been Marcused," Chuck has a surprise for Blair ... and quite possibly for Nate as well.

Chuck Bass Ho Train

In this scene from "Summer, Kind of Wonderful," Chuck Bass surveys the scene on the beach, and he likes what he sees. Who wouldn't?

Tough Bluck

In this scene from "Summer, Kind of Wonderful," Chuck and Blair (Bluck, if you will) go at it yet again. He doesn't want her to be with anyone else, yet can't commit to her either.

Chuck Bass: Behind Bars

Okay not really. Well, really, but not in the sense that he's in jail. He looks to merely be in a liquor store after hours. But we are just guessing, people.

Archibald and Bass

Nate and Chuck share a moment in a future episode of Gossip Girl. While impeccably dressed, of course.

Bag It Up

Chuck Bass gets bagged. Literally.

Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Hazel: Do you know what you're doing, Little J?
Jenny: I'm not Little J anymore.