Pushing Daisies Characters

Here is a season two promo for Pushing Daisies. It features all of the main cast members, including Digby.

Digby Photo

Say cheese, Digby you're having your photo taken!

Chuck, Digby and Ned

Here's a sort of happy, unusual family. But Chuck, Digby and Ned make it work.

Pic of Digby

Digby played a significant role this episode. It was about bitches, after all. Dogs, that is.

Ned's Best Friend

The ever-loyal Digby. Ned cannot touch his dog, but the love is still there.

A Friendly Lick

Digby loves salt. Which is nice for Olive when she cries. She likes the attention.

Digby Picture

Poor Digby can never be touched by the man who loves him. But at least the dog is living.

Young Ned and Digby

Ned and Digby are running in a meadow during a scene from Pie-lette. Sadly, this won't end well for the dog.

Olive and Digbee

Olive Snook does not look happy. Even Digbee can't cheer her up in this scene.

Pushing Daisies Quotes

Chuck: Do you believe in reincarnation?
Emerson: Hell no. The planet's falling apart. Right now, it's the children's problem. We reincarnate, it's our problem

Vivian: Charlotte was a nice girl.
Lily: With the exception of puberty.
Vivian: Which was when Lily was going through a change of life.
Lily: Impolite to talk about one's menopause in mixed company.