Is Hope Alive? - Days of Our Lives

Bo struggles to get Hope to breath after Aiden has strangled her.
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Hope Learns the Truth - Days of Our Lives

Hope learns that Bo didn't leave her voluntarily. He was held captive and tortured.
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Protecting Hope - Days of Our Lives

Bo tries to protect Hope from the truth but she gets the wrong idea and thinks he's angry with her for moving on.
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Bo Makes a Heartbreaking Confession - Days of Our Lives

Bo finally has to make a heartbreaking confession to Hope about the state of his health.
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Hope Gets a Clue - Days of Our Lives

Hope gets some new information from Steve about finding out who abducted Bo and kept him from his family.
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Hope Tortures Dr. Malcolm - Days of Our Lives

Hope tortures Dr. Malcolm in order to find out who abducted Bo and ends up making a deal with the devil.
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Rafe Argues with Hope - Days of Our Lives

Rafe argues with Hope over her strange behavior and he lets it slip that he's in love with her.
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Ciara is Abducted - Days of Our Lives

Ciaria is abducted and Hope is forced into a precarious situation that ends with horrible consequences.
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Rafe Arrests Hope - Days of Our Lives

Rafe has to arrest Hope for murder when Dr. Malcolm is killed with Hope's gun and she has no alibi.
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Rafe Begs Hope - Days of Our Lives

Rafe begs Hope to let him take the lead in her vendetta against those who took Bo and kidnapped Ciara but she won't listen to him.
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Hope Has an Epic Confrontation - Days of Our Lives

Hope heads to the Dimera mansion to have an epic confrontation with Stefano. Will either one of them survive?
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Rafe Protects Hope - Days of Our Lives

Rafe goes out on a limb and helps protect Hope by hiding Stefano's body and covering up his murder.
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