Isaac Mendez Photo

Isaac Mendez looks great in this photo.
Rating: 5.0 / 5.0

Isaac Painting

The painting by Isaac were actually done be a real artist. Pretty cool, huh?
Rating: 4.0 / 5.0


Mr. Bennet kidnaps Isaac in an effort to save Claire
Rating: 3.7 / 5.0

Isaac and Simone

Isaac tries to plea with the woman he loves. We don't see a bright future for these two.
Rating: Unrated

Invisible Peter

Isaac realizes Peter's new power
Rating: Unrated


Simone and Isaac talk on the roof of the Deveaux building
Rating: Unrated

Love Connection?

Isaac tells Simone he's been through rehab
Rating: Unrated

Isaac sees the future

Painting what is to come
Rating: Unrated

Painter's Paradise

Enemies over a girl, friends because of their powers.
Rating: Unrated

Heroes Quotes

You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys