Penny and Sheldon Outside

Penny and Sheldon sit outside the apartment and talk while Leonard takes over the apartment for his date with Leslie.

Penny Tells Sheldon a Secret

Penny tells poor Sheldon a secret whether he wants to hear it or not. Unfortunately that secret involves Leonard and puts him in a difficult situation.

Penny and Leonard Return

Penny and Leonard return from their first date and Penny tells Leonard she wants to take it slow. Poor guy.

Penny Hugs Leonard

Penny hugs Leonard after he does his best to comfort her after he ex reveals intimate details about her on his blog.

Leonard and Penny About to Kiss

Leonard and Penny are about to kiss in this still. Leonard finally asked out Penny on a real date after she was hurt by her ex.

Penny and the Boys

Penny tries to organize a surprise party for Leonard with his friends Sheldon, Howard and Raj.

Penny and Sheldon Shopping

Penny makes Sheldon go to a computer store to pick out a gift for Leonard for his birthday but he ends up very distracted.

Penny Humiliates Leonard

Penny humiliates Leonard about his toys and he decides he's going to get rid of all his nerdmabilia in this episode of The Big Bang Theory.

Penny Takes Care of Sheldon

When Penny brings a cold back from Nebraska that she gives to Sheldon, she's stuck taking care of him when no one else will.

Sheldon's Cousin

Sheldon has one of his co-workers post as his non-existent cousin, Leo, in order to get out of seeing Penny in Rent.

Leonard Talkings His Way Out

Leonard attempts to talk his way out of going to see Penny in Rent after hearing her sing off key.

Penny Falls Asleep

Penny falls asleep when she, Wolowitz and Raj go to listen to Leonard give a presentation.

TBBT Quotes

Oh, Bernadette, please play my clarinet.

Raj's poem

Sheldon: I'll have a diet Coke.
Penny: Can you please order a cocktail? I need to practice mixing drinks.
Sheldon: Fine... I'll have a virgin Cuba Libre.
Penny: That's... rum and Coke without the rum.
Sheldon: Yes, and would you make it diet?