Kyle, Mandy, Ryan, and Kristin have a seance at the trailer Kyle's mother left him.

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Last Man Standing
Last Man Standing Season 7 Episode 4: "Bride of Prankenstein"
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Last Man Standing Season 7 Episode 4 Quotes

Vanessa: Stick around this might be the year I pull off the greatest prank ever!
Mandy: Oh, we can't. We are taking Kristin and Ryan to the creepy abandoned trailer Kyle inherited from his mom. We are having a seance.
Kyle: Yeah, I just hope we don't conjure up my mom. Even as a ghost, she will probably still ask for beer money.

Chuck: Hey Baxter, I thought we were alone. There is something moving down there, and it is coming up the stairs.
Mike: Didn't we agree that we weren't going to prank each other?
Chuck: No, no, it is not a prank. Whatever it is, it is big and has a giant head.
Joe walks in: Hey guys what is up.
Mike: What are you doing here Joe. Everyone else left hours ago to go be with their families.
Joe: I am no going home. I hate Halloween.
Chuck: Really? I love it!
Joe: Yeah, you know who else loves it?
Mike: The kids?
Joe: Satan! I am serious. Demons and hellspawn get to freely roam the earth one night of the year, and I am supposed to open the door and give them a bonbon?