Czernobog is the hammer Wednesday needs for his army.

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American Gods
American Gods Season 1 Episode 2: "The Secret of Spoon"
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American Gods Photos, American Gods Season 1 Episode 2 Photos
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American Gods Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Wednesday: They don't have a clue. They don't have a fucking clue!
Shadow: I don't have a fucking clue! I don't give a fuck if they don't have a fucking clue. I want one! Give me a fucking clue!
Wednesday: Clues were not in the agreement.

Once upon a time, a man got fucked. Now, how's that for a story? Because that's the story of black men in America. Oh, you all don't know you're black yet. Well, let me be the first to tell you that you are all black. The moment these Dutch motherfuckers set foot here and decided that they white and you get to be black, and that's the nice name that they call you? Let me paint a picture of what's waiting for you on the shore. You arrive in America, land of opportunity, milk and honey and guess what? You all get to be slaves. Split up, sold off and worked to death! The lucky ones get Sunday off to sleep, fuck, make more slaves and all for what? Cotton, indigo, for a fuckin' purple shirt. The only good news is the tobacco your grandchildren are going to farm for free is going to give a shitload of these motherfuckers cancer. And I ain't even started yet. A hundred years later, you're fucked. A hundred years after that? Fucked. A hundred years after you get free, you still gettin' fucked outta jobs and shot at by police, you see what I'm sayin'? This guy gets it. He's gettin' angry. Angry gets shit done.

Mr. Nancy