Lorelai is given specific watering instructions for her neighbor's lawn, but Rory screws it up during "Eight O'Clock at the Oasis."

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Gilmore Girls
Gilmore Girls Season 3 Episode 5: "Eight O'Clock at the Oasis"
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Gilmore Girls Season 3 Episode 5 Quotes

Michel: Take me to the auction.
Lorelai: Michel.
Michel: Take me, I insist you take me.
Lorelai: You don't even know if it'll be any good. It's just Society Women.
Michel: If your mother's involved it will be impeccable, and I haven't been to an impeccable auction in over a year.
Lorelai: Well I don't know.
Michel: What do you want?
Lorelai: Michel, I don't want anything.
Michel: Stop playing coy with me. I want into that auction you name your price.
Lorelai: OK, you've got to work weekends for the rest of this month.
Michel: Done.
Lorelai: And you have to answer the phone when it rings.
Michel: Done.
Lorelai: And answer it in English unless the person is actually foreign.
Michel: Done.
Lorelai: And you have to oversee the nature hikers next week.
Michel: No.
Lorelai: Michel, if you want to go to this auction you have to be in the lobby at 6:00 Friday morning. You have to hand out towels and water bottles. You have to show them the hiking trails and let them give you a nature name.

Luke: You go make her stop.
Lorelai: I'm not going over there.
Luke: Why not? You're a woman.
Lorelai: So what?
Luke: So you have the same parts.
Lorelai: What?
Luke: You shouldn't be scared of it.
Lorelai: Scared of it? You know, you're gonna be a bachelor for a really long time.