What the heck is going on with Queen Consolidated? I mean Palmer Technologies? Or whatever it is called these days. <P><P> Given that Oliver will continue to be the mayor of Star City, I don’t know what the chances are of him getting that company back. But they have to solve that hanging plot thread. <P><P> It’s not like I want it to play some major role in the show because, well, it never did. But this was Oliver’s company, after all, the legacy his parents left behind them after they died. So I do want the writers to revisit it and make it a little relevant.

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I thought you took that book off your father's dead body. How could he have been so chatty?


She was my sister. I couldn't be angry because she was dead. I couldn't grieve because I was so angry, that's what happens when your sister dies while screwing your boyfriend.
