Canary Saving Starling

Canary has a lot of work to do battling the Mirakuru army in the Arrow Season 2 Finale, "Unthinkable."
Rating: Unrated

Sara Tries to Keep Up

It looks as if Oliver is trying to dodge Sara as she struggles to keep up with his stride in "Suicide Squad."
Rating: Unrated

Double Barreled Take Down

Oliver isn't taking any chanced with this guy in "Suicide Squad" as he's got a gun in both hands!
Rating: Unrated

Amanda Waller and Diggle

Diggle with Amanda Waller as she stands proud in this photo from "Suicide Squad."
Rating: Unrated

Canary Ready to Fight

Canary readies her weapon in this photo from the Arrow Season 2 Finale, "Unthinkable."
Rating: Unrated

Good Shot

Arrow thanks Laurel for her great shot with the bow in "Streets of Fire."
Rating: Unrated

Deadshot Suited Up

Floyd Lawton has been recruited by Amanda Waller to join her "Suicide Squad."
Rating: Unrated

Oliver meets Alexei Leonov

Alexei has proven to be a great ally to Oliver and he's back in "Suicide Squad."
Rating: Unrated

Diggle and Layla Look Serious

Diggle and Layla seem to be getting the tour of the "Suicide Squad" facilities.
Rating: Unrated

Conducting Some Research

Oliver is more than just a hot body. The guy knows his way around a computer.
Rating: Unrated

Laurel Picks Up a Bow

What does Laurel know of bows and arrows? We'll find out in "Streets of Fire."
Rating: Unrated

Oliver Takes Down a Baddie

It's rare to see Oliver fighting off baddies without the hood. Where is Arrow and why is Oliver out as himself in "Suicide Squad"?
Rating: Unrated

Arrow Quotes

I thought you took that book off your father's dead body. How could he have been so chatty?


She was my sister. I couldn't be angry because she was dead. I couldn't grieve because I was so angry, that's what happens when your sister dies while screwing your boyfriend.
