Jeremy Tell - Arrow Season 4 Episode 3

Yep, it sure looks like ol' Double Down has a cursed deck of cards fused right to his skin, doesn't it? Those aren't tattoos at all, but an actual deck of cursed cards, if we're to understand the lore.

JR Bourne as Jeremy Tell - Arrow Season 4 Episode 3

Hey! It's Teen Wolf awesome dad Chris Argent! Looks like he's gone all bad as Jeremy Tell. In the comic universe, Jeremy Tell is Double Down, a con man and gambler who gained powers when a cursed deck of cards bonded with him. Huh. Waddya know?

Earthquake! - Arrow Season 4 Episode 3

Nope, it's not an earthquake (unless that's a baddie's clever name), but Curtis is right where Felicity likely put him for safe keeping.

Holt Down! - Arrow Season 4 Episode 3

Uh oh, Curtis Holt isn't getting the best impression of the Arrow lair, is he? Looks like he was either shot, or just thrust himself to the ground in abject terror. I'm betting the latter. We're with you, dude!

Table Top Protection - Arrow Season 4 Episode 3

Those tables look nice and sturdy. Awfully handy when you're dodging incoming gunfire such that Felicity seems to be doing. She's going to need to start dressing more comfortably if this is to become a common occurrence.

Probably Need to Look Where You Shoot - Arrow Season 4 Episode 3

Wouldn't it work better, Felicity, if you were looking where you were shooting? I mean, sure, it might be a little bit scary, but you have bigger cahones than that, right? C',mon girl! Turn around and get 'em!

Lair Breach - Arrow Season 4 Episode 3

There has obviously been a breach in the Arrow lair...err, cave. What are we calling it these days? Either way, Curtis Holt sure seems to have been invited onto the inside in short order!

Asking for a Favor - Arrow

Laurel wants Thea's help in convincing Merlyn to resurrect Sara, but it turns out it's not Malcom she needs to convince.

Arrow Season 4 Episode 3 Quotes

OK, I know that was kind of a bust, but wasn't it fun having the original Team Arrow back together?


Even if Sara went into the Pit, even if it worked, who -- what -- came out of the Pit, would not be Sara. Laurel, I am sorry, truly sorry, but of course, my answer is no.
