And Stay Down!

Oliver dramatically uses two guns to keep this guy on his knees as Alexei looks on in "Suicide Squad."

Double Barreled Take Down

Oliver isn't taking any chanced with this guy in "Suicide Squad" as he's got a gun in both hands!

The Dreaded Forehead Kiss

In this photo from "Suicide Squad" Oliver is giving Sara the brush off to keep her safe from Slade with the dreaded forehead kiss.

No, Sara, No

Knowing that Slade is going to try to kill everyone he loves, Oliver is going to push Sara away in "Suicide Squad." So much for thinking she can take care of herself.

Sara Tries to Keep Up

It looks as if Oliver is trying to dodge Sara as she struggles to keep up with his stride in "Suicide Squad."

Oliver Takes Down a Baddie

It's rare to see Oliver fighting off baddies without the hood. Where is Arrow and why is Oliver out as himself in "Suicide Squad"?

Oliver Aims a Gun

Oliver's aiming a gun as himself and not as Arrow - wonder what's going on in "Suicide Squad."

Oliver meets Alexei Leonov

Alexei has proven to be a great ally to Oliver and he's back in "Suicide Squad."

Cynthia Addai-Robinson as Amanda Waller

Amanda Waller is the one responsible for bringing all of the biggest badass criminals together to form the "Suicide Squad."

Oliver in an Office

There is little context for this photo from "Suicide Squad" but considering the blue tint, let's assume Oliver's in Waller's office.

Deadshot in his New Prison Garb

Deadshot traded prison orange for prison yellow. Does he get to kill and remain behind bars thanks to the "Suicide Squad"?

Michael Jai White as Ben "Bronze Tiger" Turner

It looks like while Amanda Waller trusts the members of her "Suicide Squad" to kill on her behalf, she doesn't trust them to otherwise run free.

Arrow Season 2 Quotes

God, um, you... You're really sweaty.


Oliver: If we're gonna do this, it has to be about Tommy. I need to be the man he hoped I could be. Now you two have helped me take the first step.
Felicity: So what's step two? I'm game for anything as long as it doesn't involve skydiving, and I'm pretty down on landmines now, too.
Oliver: The city still needs saving, but not by The Hood. Not by some vigilante who's just crossing names off a list. It needs something more.
Diggle: It needs a hero, Oliver.
Felicity: It's too bad The Hoods kind of ruined your nickname.
Oliver: No, it's good. I don't want to be called The Hood anymore.
Diggle: Okay. So what do you want to be called?