Oliver Looking Gloomy on the Island

A hooded Oliver on the island looks pensive on the upcoming episode of Arrow titled "The Promise."

Canary Ready for a Fight

Canary is looking for clues and ready for a fight in the upcoming Arrow episode titled "Time of Death."

Canary in Action!

Canary takes off after getting a tip from Felicity. Fly Canary, fly! From the "Time of Death" episode.

Felicity Investigates

Felicity wants to prove she's worthy to be on the team by investigating solo. She's already proven her worth 1,000 times over! From "Time of Death."

Canary to Felicity's Rescue

This one's gonna smart. Canary comes to Felicity's rescue when she gets in over her head in "Time of Death."

Sexy Canary Shot

Here's a sexy shot of Sara as Black Canary. Hawt! As seen in Arrow "Time of Death."

The Clock King Lurking

The Clock King is lurking, looking for someone to shoot. He wants to shoot! Watch Arrow "Time of Death" to see if he gets his wish.

A Kiss for Lance

Dinah kisses Lance on the cheek in "Time of Death."

Quentin and Dinah Lance

Are the Lance's on their way back into each others' arms? They're probably remembering things as they were. "Time of Death"

Laurel Chills

Laurel chills in front of the TV, fully in charge of the remote. Do you think she's watching Arrow?

Pill Popping Laurel

Laurel contemplates taking some more pills. Are they even hers? From the episode "Time of Death."

Lance Family Dinner

How worried was everyone about Laurel's drinking if they served wine at dinner? Poor move! From the Arrow episode "Time of Death."

Arrow Season 2 Quotes

God, um, you... You're really sweaty.


Oliver: If we're gonna do this, it has to be about Tommy. I need to be the man he hoped I could be. Now you two have helped me take the first step.
Felicity: So what's step two? I'm game for anything as long as it doesn't involve skydiving, and I'm pretty down on landmines now, too.
Oliver: The city still needs saving, but not by The Hood. Not by some vigilante who's just crossing names off a list. It needs something more.
Diggle: It needs a hero, Oliver.
Felicity: It's too bad The Hoods kind of ruined your nickname.
Oliver: No, it's good. I don't want to be called The Hood anymore.
Diggle: Okay. So what do you want to be called?