Tami Opens Up - Basketball Wives

Tami might have cold feet about the future, but what does that mean for her relationship?

The Cough - Basketball Wives

One of the Basketball Wives are worried about their future in a play, but why?

Laying Down the Law - Basketball Wives

Shaunie is done being lied to, and is ready to find out what everyone really feels about her.

The Truth Comes Out - Basketball Wives

The ladies are ready to learn the truth about what's been plaguing them.

Kristen Is Not Impressed - Basketball Wives

Just when it seemed like the ladies were going to be able to move on following all of the drama, they were back at square one.

Seeing a Therapist - Basketball Wives

One character went to see a therapist, and things took a big change for her.

Basketball Wives Season 7 Cast

The cast of Basketball Wives Season 7 are pictured above, and they look pretty amazing!

CeCe is Back - Basketball Wives

All of the ladies are talking about CeCe on Basketball Wives, but why?

Jackie Christie - Basketball Wives

Jackie Christie returned to lead the cast of Basketball Wives Season 7.

Fighting Again - Basketball Wives

There's more drama when someone brings trouble to a music video shoot.

Reunion - Basketball Wives

The ladies reunite to run down the crazy developments from the most recent season.

Reading The Book - Basketball Wives

When the book is released, the ladies chat about it.