Confronting the Past - Damnation

Seth and Sam confront their past and deal with the future on Damnation. "God's Body" is the tenth episode of the show's first season.

Unlikely Allies - Damnation

Seth and the farmers get some help from unlikely allies on Damnation. "Dark Was the Night, Cold Was the Ground" is the ninth episode of the show's first season.

Making a Decision - Damnation

Seth must decide whether to protect Bessie on Damnation. "The Goodness of Men" is the eighth episode of the show's first season.

A Hunting Retreat - Damnation

Creeley finds there's more than one game at play during a hunting retreat on Damnation. "A Different Species" is the seventh episode of the show's first season.

Seth Gets an Opportunity - Damnation

Seth gets an unexpected opportunity on Damanation. "In Wyoming Fashion" is the sixth episode of the show's first season.

Two Preachers - Damnation Season 1 Episode 5

The carnival comes to town and shakes things up on Damnation. "Den of Lost Souls" is the fifth episode of the show's first season.

Wedded Bliss - Damnation Season 1 Episode 5

The carnival comes to town and shakes things up on Damnation. "Den of Lost Souls" is the fifth episode of the show's first season.

Not Daddy's Girl - Damnation Season 1 Episode 5

The carnival comes to town and shakes things up on Damnation. "Den of Lost Souls" is the fifth episode of the show's first season.

Moving On - Damnation Season 1 Episode 4

Connie finally has the information she needs the most.

Read the News - Damnation Season 1 Episode 4

Amelia and Seth chat over the newspaper and the strike situation.

A Changed Man - Damnation Season 1 Episode 4

Creeley isn't the man Seth thought he knew years ago.

A True Hero - Damnation Season 1 Episode 4

Amelia tries to get her favorite reporter a little excited.

Damnation Season 1 Quotes

Girl: What are you striking against?
Seth: The American economic system.
Girl [Laughs]: How are you gonna do that?
Seth: By breaking the system's back, one asshole banker at a time.

Girl: How'd you get me off the hook?
Seth: I spoke in parables.
Girl: What?
Seth: I lied.