Dad and Dexter

Dexter is seen here with his Dark Passenger. We mean that literally, for a change. Say hi to Harry.

Lithgow on Dexter

This picture of the Trinity Killer is taken from the episode "Dirty Harry." We learn more and more about this villain each week.

Wheeled Away

Deb got shot on season four of Dexter. But we think she's gonna make it. Phew.

Dexter in Thought

Let's give Dexter Morgan a few moments here. He's deep in important thought.

A Female Victim

In "Dex Takes a Holiday," Dexter carves up a female victim. We don't see that too often.

Dex and Dad

Dexter often receives guidance from his father, Harry. They are just visions, of course.

Dexter and Family

Rita and Dexter made a cute couple. That is, until the former was murdered by Trinity to conclude season four.

Trinity Killer Photo

This is the Trinity Killer. Call us crazy, but we don't trust the guy one bit.

Deb and Anton

Deb and Anton have become a very close couple on season four. They live together.

Frank Lundy

Frank Lundy is back in Miami. This makes life rather complicated for Deb and for Dexter.

Scene of His Crime

This is the boxing ring in which Dexter killed Benny Gonzalez. He can't find his body in "Remains to Be Seen."

Dex Photo

Dexter has a problem on the second episode of season four: he can't find the body of his latest victim.

Dexter Season 4 Quotes

There's this cliche when serial killers are always described as quiet, kind of a loner... it's a cliche for a reason.


Wanna know a secret? Daddy kills people.
