Staying Here - Emergence Season 1 Episode 2

Alex tells Jo that he's staying with them for a little while until people stop breaking into her house to get to Piper.

Something's Not Right - Emergence Season 1 Episode 2

Jo realizes that Piper is exhibiting weird behavior and confronts her about it. Does Piper come clean?

Bad Things Happen - Emergence Season 1 Episode 2

When Jo confronts Piper about all the weird things happening, she admits that she's responsible.

One Happy Family - Emergence Season 1 Episode 2

Everyone is concerned about Piper staying at Jo's house since she's technically keeping a child illegally.

Keeping Everyone Safe - Emergence Season 1 Episode 2

Chris is assigned to watch Jo's house and install security cameras so that everyone is safe.

So Scared - Emergence Season 1 Episode 2

Mia and Piper embrace after a break-in targeting Piper. Will their bond convince Jo to keep Piper?

Concerned Sister - Emergence Season 1 Episode 2

Mia has grown very attached to Piper very quickly and while it's endearing, it's also a little concerning.

Moving Back In - Emergence Season 1 Episode 2

Alex is concerned after a second break-in at Jo's house and decides to move back in and sleep on the couch for the time being.

Abby Works with Piper - Emergence

Abby works with Piper to get her memories back on Emergence. "Camera Wheelbarrow Tiger Pillow" is the second episode of the show's first season.

Emergence Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Benny: So, you planning to find out whoever is on the other side of that radio?
Jo: No, I plan to use it as a paperweight.

Jo: I think I made a mistake.
Ed: What, how so?
Jo: She loves it here.
Ed: Yeah, she's a pretty happy kid.
Jo: Maybe too happy. Maybe she's so happy that if she does remember something she's not going to tell us.