Luke Hasn't Changed a Bit - Gilmore Girls

Scott Paterson hasn't changed a bit since we last saw Luke serving the Gilmore Girls their coffee before Rory hit the campaign trail with Barak Obama. What will he be up to when the revival starts?
Rating: Unrated

Lane and Mrs. Kim Serve Up the Feels - Gilmore Girls

It's just nice to see Lane Kim again, especially in such close proximity to her mother, fan favorite, Mrs. Kim. What kind of food are they serving up at this festival, and can we have some?
Rating: Unrated

It's Jess! - Gilmore Girls

Who's that g- wait...wrong show. But there he is, Jess Mariano, in the flesh and back in the Hollow to presumably stir up some trouble. We're hoping he's more mature now, and still as dreamy as he was back in Philly, but we have a feeling it'll be a lot more of the former than the latter.
Rating: Unrated

That's Ms. Gilmore - Gilmore Girls

Rory stands in front of a class at Chilton, leading us to wonder the obvious: has she given up a life of journalism for a life of teaching? Or is this a special speaking engagement for an "ace" reporter?
Rating: Unrated

A Town Meeting - Gilmore Girls

What would Stars Hollow be without a signature Town Meeting at Miss Patty's? Could they be discussing an upcoming musical town event, one that may or may not involve Sutton Foster's new character?
Rating: Unrated

Sharing a Drink - Gilmore Girls

As Emily pours Rory a drink, we can't help but remember the days of Richard pouring the drinks at Friday Night Dinner. Is Rory at the Gilmore home for another dinner, or is this a visit about something else entirely?
Rating: Unrated

Stars Hollow Shenanigans - Gilmore Girls

The Gilmore girls are taking part in some kind of town shenanigans in this photo. Is Lorelai auditioning for Stars Hollow: The Musical? Goodness gracious, we hope so!
Rating: Unrated

Members of the DAR - Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life

Carolyn Hennesy and Kelly Bishop at the premiere of Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life
Rating: Unrated

Lane's baby shower - Gilmore Girls

Motherhood is already proving to be quite a journey for Lane
Rating: Unrated

Logan Cheats on Rory - Gilmore Girls

Logan cheats on Rory and she ultimately finds out. So what comes next??
Rating: Unrated

Luke attends a town meeting - Gilmore Girls

Luke is being congratulated on how well he put with Taylor
Rating: Unrated

Jess/Dean/Rory Bid a Basket - Gilmore Girls Season 2 Episode 13

Jess teases Dean about winning Rory's basket in on Gilmore Girls Season 2 Episode 13
Rating: Unrated

Gilmore Girls Quotes

(about the pants she's bought for Luke) I don't know what this fabric is, but I think I want to have its baby.


(to Rory) You can use your mother's old golf clubs. They're upstairs gathering dust along with the rest of her potential.
