Watching Kurt

Blaine watches Kurt audition here for NYADA. It's a scene from the Glee episode "Choke."

Tina Goes Goth

This is certainly a different look for Tina. What do you make of her goth get-up?

Play It, Puck!

Puck rocks out in this scene from Glee. It's courtesy of the episode "Choke."

Glee: The Graduation Album

Glee is coming out with a new album in honor of the senior class graduating. It comes out on 5/15/12.

Dancing in the Hall

Dance it up, ladies! Mercedes leads a number in this scene from "Saturday Night Glee-ver."

Kurt and Mercedes

Kurt and Mercedes look on here. It's a scene from the fun Glee episode "Saturday Night Glee-ver."

Dance With Somebody Photo

Brittany (Heather Morris) and Santana (Naya Rivera) in Glee's April 24 episode, "Dance With Somebody."

Glee Does Whitney

Brittany (Heather Morris) and Santana (Naya Rivera) get the honor of performing the episode title song in Glee's April 24 episode, "Dance With Somebody."

Saturday Night Glee-ver Pic

A photo from the April 17, 2012 episode of Glee, "Saturday Night Glee-ver." Glee Project winner Alex Newell debuts.

Seniors, Ditching

It's senior ditch day on Glee. And, as you might expect, Puck is happy to lead the charge.

Matt Bomer Glee Pic

Welcome to William McKinley High School, Matt Bomer. The White Collar actor guest stars on "Big Brother" as, well, Blaine's big brother.

Matt Bomer as Cooper

Matt Bomer faces off here with Blaine. The former is guest-starring as his brother, Cooper.

Glee Quotes

I've got a full ride to a little school called the University of California in Los Angeles. Maybe you've heard of it. It's in Los Angeles.


She may be difficult, but boy can she sing. Bravo!
