Hatred - Gotham Season 3 Episode 12

Jim can kiss Lee goodbye, because there is no way she will ever forgive him for killing Mario. No matter what the truth is, Lee is only going to believe Jim killed Mario out of insane jealousy. The big question is: what will Lee do now?

At the House - Gotham Season 3 Episode 12

We're going to guess that Jim is trying to come up with a million excuses and reasons why he just shot Mario, but are any of them the truth? Do we really know? We saw Mario with the knife, but it doesn't mean he was going to kill Lee. Sure, that was the perception, but that's all it was: perception.

The New Guy - Gotham Season 3 Episode 12

Have no idea who this guy might be. We're guessing it's Jim's uncle. So, the question is: why is his uncle in town? Or, has he been in town all along? Maybe he's the guy we saw with the ring talking to Catherine?

Facing Dad - Gotham Season 3 Episode 12

Jim's got a lot of balls coming face to face with Falcone after killing Mario. How much will Falcone believe of Jim's story?

Don't Look Back - Gotham Season 3 Episode 12

Does Jim hear something? What if it's a quiet Jerome laugh? That would be crazy!

A Closer Look - Gotham Season 3 Episode 12

Jim looks pretty lonely wherever it he is right now. Has anyone ever noticed how Jim's drab suits match his moods?

No Rest - Gotham Season 3 Episode 12

With Jerome back in town, Jim has to be wondering if he's still on the Red Queen trip Jervis took him on a few episodes ago.

The Time is Now - Gotham Season 3 Episode 12

Nygma is not a happy camper, though we still find it hard to believe he's so upset about Isabella. Still, things don't look good for Penguin. We all know what Nygma is capable of, so Penguin better watch his back!

Shocked - Gotham Season 3 Episode 12

Penguin needs to get out of his funky la-la mental state, because Nygma has his sights set on him, and it's not going to be pretty. We need the old Penguin back! Something in him needs to snap!

Captain Bullock? - Gotham Season 3 Episode 12

Bullock did a good job as acting Captain when Barnes was laid up after his altercation with Azrael. Will Bullock officially become the new Captain of the GCPD now that Barnes is locked up at Arkham? It'll be fun times at the GCPD with Bullock in charge.

Looney Tunes - Gotham Season 3 Episode 12

Bullock and Jim are back together again after Jim's hiatus from the GCPD. Have they run into Jerome yet?

Hanging Around - Gotham Season 3 Episode 12

It looks like Bullock is just hanging out. Did he need to get some air after seeing that Jerome Valeska is "alive?"