
Ted and his powers
Rating: Unrated


A pretty ring for a pretty Parkman
Rating: Unrated

Parkman's Father

Remember Matt Parkman's father? He's back in the episode titled "Angels and Monsters."
Rating: Unrated


Ando is on the case. This guy just doesn't look the same without his buddy Hiro along his side.
Rating: Unrated

Malcom McDowell

Sure looks like Linderman is back in season three, doesn't it? Why else would Malcom McDowell be at the premiere party?
Rating: Unrated


Hiro and Ando could do with a little less Hope
Rating: Unrated


Claire's real parents talk
Rating: Unrated

Death of HRG?

Here's a look at the painting Isaac drew before his death. Mr. Bennet was less than thrilled to see it.
Rating: Unrated

Another of Sylar's Victims

Back to Killing again
Rating: Unrated

Danko Pic

Danko is on the war path in "I Am Sylar." The hunter has been on the case of all Heroes throughout volume four.
Rating: Unrated


Simone and Isaac talk on the roof of the Deveaux building
Rating: Unrated

Heroes Quotes

You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys