Sober Up!

Hiro dunks the head of Kensei into the water numerous times. It may take a few more to wake this man up from his drunken stupor, however.

A Masked Hiro

Hiro pretends to be Kensei as he quickly wins the Battle of Twelve Swords. At least that would be a good name for it, our hero says.


Is Takezo Kensei dead? Nope, turns out this warrior can heal himself like Claire and Peter.

Mohinder and The Hatian

Mohinder was able to talk the Haitian out of death. The use of the doctor's blood also played a role in this saving, of course.

Don't Cry

No, seriously, Maya, don't cry. You'll kill someone.

Kaito's Death

Mr. and Mrs. Bennet read about the death of Kaito. Turns out a painting by Isaac predicted this would happen.

Family Talk

Claire and Noah Bennet still have a lot of issues to resolve. Their cozy California existence ain't gonna last long.

Memory Loss

Good news: Peter is alive. Bad news: He has no clue what's going on.

Mrs. Petrelli

Nathan and Peter's mom has a shady history. She plays a key role in season two.

Snip, Snip

Claire does some serious cutting during Lizards. The cheerleader is having trouble staying out of the spotlight in her new school.

Parkman and Nathan

Matt Parkman, the new detective, and Nathan go on a search for a killer.

Ando, Parkman

Ando and Parkman investigate the murder of Hiro's father in Lizards, the second episode of the second season.

Heroes Season 2 Quotes

That's easy for you to say. You're not wading into the shark-infested water of 11th grade.


You have to be entirely unextraordinary."

Mr. Bennet