Quinn Almost Dead - Homeland Season 5 Episode 12

Carrie considers smothering her dear friend Quinn.

Chatting Over Dinner - Homeland

Carrie and Otto have a conversation in a kitchen. Are they safe?

Good for His Word - Homeland

Otto wanted to ensure Saul was good for his word.

This is Normal - Homeland

Allison is just helping with things at the CIA as if she's not a spy inside a spy's organization at all.

Making a Play - Homeland

Both the CIA and the BND make a play on Homeland. "The Litvinov Ruse" is the ninth episode of the show's fifth season.

Needing Allison - Homeland

Carrie realizes that she needs Allison on Homeland. "All About Allison" is the ninth episode of the show's fifth season.

Opening Up - Homeland

Saul opens up to Allison on Homeland. "Oriole" is the seventh episode of the show's fifth season.

Heading to Düring - Homeland

Carrie heads off to Düring in her search for support on Homeland. "Parabiosis" is the sixth episode of the show's fifth season.

Carrie and Saul - Homeland

Quinn tries to cover for Carrie who is with Saul on Homeland. "Better Call Saul" is the fifth episode of the show's fifth season.

A Different Look - Homeland

Carrie appears to have changed her look to avoid detection.


Carrie finds herself the target. But of whom and why?

Run! - Homeland

Carrie has to protect her boss, Otto During, while at a refugee camp.

Homeland Season 5 Quotes

Want to tell me how our classified network go within a thousand miles of the goddamned internet?


Saul: So you, what are you atoning for? Keeing American safe?
Carrie: I'm not atoning.
Saul: You turned your back on your entire life.
Carrie: I'm just trying to do good work.
Saul: Well you're not. You're being naive and stupid, something you never were before.