Ron Camping

Ron loves camping. He's a major outdoorsman. Anyone shocked by this fact?

At the Harvest Festival

Leslie and Ben aren't just hanging out in this scene from Parks and Recreation. They're doing so at the Harvest Festival.

Andy Dwyer Photo

Andy Dwyer realizes something while dating April: it helps to have money when you're a boyfriend.

Failed Radio Appearance

Ben and Leslie appeared on a radio show during the episode "Media Blitz." It did not go well.

Tammy and Ron in Jail

Yes, this is a photo of Tammy and Ron in jail. And, yes, those are cornrows on Ron's head.

Inside the Capsule

Tom wants to place a photo of his ex-girlfriend inside the Pawnee time capsule. That's because she's totally crazy!

New Parks and Rec Cast Member

Adam Scott has come on board Parks and Recreation as Ben, a love interest for Leslie. He fits in perfectly with the cast.

The Microchip

Chris' body is like a microchip, people! Unless it comes down with the flu, that is.

Swanson Pyramid of Greatness

Learn how to go from being a gladiator to a Swanson thanks to the Swanson Pyramid of Greatness.

Ann and Chris

Ann Perkins enjoyed her date with Chris Traeger on the third season premiere of Parks and Recreation. We like these two together.

Parks and Recreation Season 3 Quotes

Woman: These are way too tight.
Tom: Well, the real Cinderella didn't have hippo feet.

The bankrupt government of Pawnee has been shut down all summer so it's been three months of no work, no meetings, no memos, no late nights, nothing. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
