Casting An Enchantment - Penny Dreadful Season 2 Episode 7

Out little scorpion is clearly casting an enchantment. Is she protecting herself from the Nightcomers, Ethan or something else? Tune in Sunday, June 14 to find out!
Rating: Unrated

Victor and Sir Malcolm Chat - Penny Dreadful

Victor chats with Sir Malcolm about Evelyn. Will Malcolm realize the woman is manipulating him?
Rating: Unrated

Mr. Roper Threatens Ethan - Penny Dreadful

Mr. Roper, the Pinkerton agent, catches up with Ethan in the moors. Will Mr. Chandler finish the man off? Or will Vanessa do the deed?
Rating: Unrated

Sir Malcolm's in Trouble - Penny Dreadful Season 2 Episode 9

Sir Malcolm foolishly took on Evelyn alone. It's going to take more than one person to defeat the nightmares that haunt him. Will the others reach him in time, or will his visions drive him mad?
Rating: Unrated

An Old Friend - Penny Dreadful Season 2 Episode 9

Back at the moors, an old friend catches up with Mr. Chandler. You've got to hand it to Mr. Roper, he's nothing if not persistent.
Rating: Unrated

Mr. Roper's Doomed - Penny Dreadful Season 2 Episode 9

The man clearly has no idea who he's messing with. Ethan and Vanessa are a lethal combination. Does Mr. Roper even stand a chance?
Rating: Unrated

Vanessa's Dark Soul - Penny Dreadful Season 2 Episode 9

Vanessa has used “The Poetry of Death" once already. Will she be tempted to kill Mr. Roper with the book as well? Or will Ethan handle things this time around?
Rating: Unrated

Full Moon Outside? - Penny Dreadful Season 2 Episode 9

It looks quite dark outside, is there a full moon? Will Ethan rip Mr. Roper to shreds in front of Vanessa? Will the wolf threaten her life?
Rating: Unrated

Ethan Stepping Up - Penny Dreadful Season 2 Episode 9

It looks like Ethan is stepping up this time. The question is, does he take down Mr. Roper in human form or does he transform?
Rating: Unrated

Six Feet Under - Penny Dreadful Season 2 Episode 9

Someone was just buried six feet under. Let's face it, Mr. Roper never stood a chance, but who finished him off? Will we ever learn more about Ethan's father? Will the man send more Pinkerton agents after his son?
Rating: Unrated

Ethan Returns to London - Penny Dreadful Season 2 Episode 9

Ethan returns to London and is welcomed by Sembene. Will Mr. Chandler's confidant share what he learned about the "Hound of God"?
Rating: Unrated

Sembene's Good to Go - Penny Dreadful Season 2 Episode 9

When it comes to defending Sir Malcolm, Sembene is ready for action. The majordomo will accompany Ethan, Victor and even Mr. Lyle in a final confrontation with the Nightcomers.
Rating: Unrated

Penny Dreadful Quotes

Ethan: You have a name?
Vanessa: Yes.

Ethan: You have made my visit truly memorable. I shall never forget you.
Woman: Perhaps you'd like to know my name, then.