The Garden - Still Star-Crossed Season 1 Episode 3

Benvolio and Rosaline get engaged in the beautiful city garden.

Rosaline Gets Engaged - Still Star-Crossed Season 1 Episode 3

Rosaline and Benvolio are about to become engaged for all of Verona to see.

Benvolio Professes His Love

Benvolio is about to profess his love for Rosaline to convince Verona that the two from rival families are indeed marrying for true love.

Still Star-Crossed Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Rosaline: So, I'm to stand in front of all Verona and promise that one day I'll be married to a Montague.
Livia: I still say it's better than praying your life away in a nunnery.
Rosaline: It's not about praying or God. It's about living a life that's your own instead of some Montague's.

Become Sister Rosaline and you never have to become a Montague.
