Diyoza Offers Kane a Drink - The 100 Season 5 Episode 5

Diyoza offers a drink to Kane as they talk about things that are going on right now with them and Abby.

Octavia Makes It Reign - The 100 Season 5 Episode 5

Octavia and her people making it clear who is in charge.

Charmaine and Kane - The 100 Season 5 Episode 5

Charmaine and Kane on a date with some alcohol to entertain them.

Emori, Harper, and Echo - The 100 Season 5 Episode 5

The girls are back from hiding in the trees to help Murphy.

Murphy in Danger - The 100 Season 5 Episode 5

Murphy returns with a new necklace that threatens his life.

Bellamy Blake Preparing To Shift Sands - The 100 Season 5 Episode 5

Bellamy Blake staring at someone or just posing in Shifting Sands

Clarke Griffin Preparing to Shift Sands - The 100 Season 5 Episode 5

Clarke Griffin looking at someone in Shifting Sands

Bellamy and Clarke Leading Again - The 100

Bellamy and Clarke talking to someone before they all go off into the desert.

The 100 Season 5 Episode 5 Quotes

Could have used you in the bunker Clarke.


Kara: Miller your orders were -
Miller: I know my orders.