A New Face - The 100 Season 3 Episode 14

Jasper appears to be having a great time talking to Shay (played by Nesta Cooper). Shay is a new guest star who seems to be one of Luna's people.

Socializing - The 100 Season 3 Episode 14

It looks like Team Delinquents are socializing with Luna's people in some kind of nighttime event. Unfortunately, they don't have their party faces on, so the event likely isn't going as well as they might've hoped.

A Pacifist Commander? - The 100 Season 3 Episode 14

Luna seems to be a sort of pacifist and doesn't believe that her anti-violence mindset will fit in well with the role of the Commander. Will she change her mind once Clarke explains the situation with ALIE?

Desperate to defeat ALIE - The 100 Season 3 Episode 14

Clarke and the others are desperate to defeat ALIE. What lengths will they go to in convincing Luna to accept the flame, activating the second AI and becoming the next Commander?

Backstory - The 100 Season 3 Episode 14

Will we learn Luna's backstory in this episode? So far, all we know is that she fled the conclave in which Lexa won the Commandership. Aside from that, the last Natblida is an enigma.

Convincing Luna - The 100 Season 3 Episode 14

Clarke needs to convince Luna to take the flame and become the next Commander -- it's the only way to save humanity from ALIE's influence.

Kabby - The 100 Season 3 Episode 13

Kane and Abby clearly have strong feelings for one another, given their passionate kiss right before Kane left Arkadia with the others while Abby opted to stay behind to help their people. Kane will probably feel terribly guilty for leaving while Abby remained behind, since that led to Abby becoming a follower of ALIE. Will Kane be able to snap Abby out of it, getting her to fight ALIE's control as Raven briefly did?

Abby and ALIE - The 100 Season 3 Episode 13

One of the most shocking twists this season saw Abby ingest the chip in order to save Raven. Now, it seems that she's one of ALIE's right-hand followers, much like Jaha has been all season long. Will Clarke be able to save her mother?

Team ALIE - The 100 Season 3 Episode 13

Once Ontari took the chip, Polis was done for. The Grounders have a culture that places the Commander in a position of utmost power -- no one will resist if she tells them to do something and, because of that, everyone will take the chip.

Betrayed - The 100 Season 3 Episode 13

Betrayed by his own men -- yep, Pike is definitely going to die by someone's hand by the time this season is through. It's just a question of who will do the killing. Will it be Octavia? Jaha? Bellamy? Ontari? A vengeful Grounder? The list of people with a vendetta against Pike is long.

Irony - The 100 Season 3 Episode 13

It's ironic that ALIE, a problem created by an Arker (Becca), turned Polis into everything Pike most feared it would be. Pike was out of control, that's for sure, but he legitimately thought he was doing the best thing for his people. Now, he'll most likely die for it. The whole thing is pretty tragic.

Poor Kane - The 100 Season 3 Episode 13

Oh, Kane. All he wanted more than anything was peace among his people and the Grounders. Now, he's wound up in the middle of a bigger mess than he ever could have fathomed.

The 100 Season 3 Quotes

Abby: He's come a long way.
Kane: It's a work in progress.

Eighty-six days. On my last box of food, so... Really never thought I'd miss the Ark this much but, anyway. Jaha, if you're seeing this that would indeed mean you are not dead, so SCREW YOU!
