Sasha Chats With Helen - The Affair Season 5 Episode 2

Sasha wants to get to know Helen, and it could cause some big problems between him and Noah.

Movie Set Daze - The Affair Season 5 Episode 2

Helen and Whitney arrive on the set of the movie, and Helen takes Sasha by storm, leaving Noah elated.

A Big Mistake - The Affair Season 5 Episode 2

Janelle and Noah struggle with what they're wearing to the funeral, but is it too late to court public opinion?

A Surprising Development - The Affair Season 5 Episode 2

Helen forgot to mention to Janelle and Noah that the funeral was an all-white event and they turn up with clothes not colored white.

Carl Listens - The Affair Season 5 Episode 2

Janelle is worried about a decision she has to make, so she turns to her ex-husband for answers.

Sasha Takes an Interest - The Affair

Sasha takes an interest in Helen who is taking her first steps toward acceptance on the second episode of the fifth season of The Affair.

The Affair Season 5 Episode 2 Quotes

Helen: I just wasn't prepared for how permanent it is.
Sasha: Death is relentless.

Noah: This is my daughter.
[Sasha kisses Whitney's hand.]
Whitney: Hi.
Noah: Who is very young, very engaged.