A Request for Penny

Sheldon has a request for Penny on the fourth season premiere of The Big Bang Theory. Will she tag along on a date with him?

Feelin Good

Science pays off for Wolowitz on the season four premiere. He gets some solid use out of his robotic arm.

Comic-Con Interview

Jim Parsons is seen here at The Big Bang Theory Comic-Con panel in 2010. He and his castmates dished on the new season at the event.

The Roommate Agreement

A flashback to when Leonard first moved in with Sheldon and they signed the roommate agreement.

Die Sheldon Die

Before there was Leonard, there was an even angrier roommate. Angry enough to write "Die Sheldon Die."

Nerdy Flashback

A flashback to the nerds when they first met playing Gamecube together.

Sheldon and Amy

Sheldon runs into a character played by Mayim Bialik on the 5/17/10 episode of The Big Bang Theory. Might she be the one for him?

Big Bang Scene

You gotta love this guest-starring appearance on The Big Bang Theory: that's former sitcom star Mayim Bialik!

Mayim Bialik on The Big Bang Theory

This is a scene from the 5/17/10 episode of The Big Bang Theory. Yes, that's Mayim Bialik guest-starring in the sitcom.

Judy Greer on Big Bang Theory

Judy Greer guest starred on The Big Bang Theory as Dr. Plimpton, a famous physicist that Sheldon invites to spend the weekend at the place.

Back from Disney Land

Penny returns Sheldon to Leonard after their trip to Disney Land. The couple is sharing custody over the nerd.

Leonard and Leslie

Sara Gilbert is seen here on The Big Bang Theory. She plays the character of Leslie.

TBBT Quotes

Oh, Bernadette, please play my clarinet.

Raj's poem

Sheldon: I'll have a diet Coke.
Penny: Can you please order a cocktail? I need to practice mixing drinks.
Sheldon: Fine... I'll have a virgin Cuba Libre.
Penny: That's... rum and Coke without the rum.
Sheldon: Yes, and would you make it diet?