Meet Leonard's Dad! - The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 24

We finally get to meet Leonard's dad! Judd Hirsch plays Leonard's dad, Alfred, who is recently divorced from Leonard's mother.

Awkward Dinner Party? - The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 24

We've seen what it was like to put Leonard's mother and Sheldon's mother in a room together, but what happens when you also add Leonard's dad to that mix? That's gotta be an awkward dinner conversation.

Awkward Family Visit - The Big Bang Theory

Sheldon and Leonard's paretns have an awkward family visit on The Big Bang Theory. "The Convergence Convergence" is the 24th episode of the show's ninth season.

Penny Struggles - The Big Bang Theory

Penny struggles to make a connection with Leonard's mother on The Big Bang Theory. "The Line Substitution Solution" is the 23rd episode of the show's ninth season.

The Wine Tasting - The Big Bang Theory

The gang heads out to a wine tasting on The Big Bang Theory. "The Fermentation Bifurcation" is the 22nd episode of the show's ninth season.

The Get-Together - The Big Bang Theory

A heated argument breaks out during a get-together on The Big Bang Theory. "The Viewing Party Combustion" is the 21st episode of the show's ninth season.

Pregnancy Gifts - The Big Bang Theory

Raj goes overboard with pregnancy gifts on The Big Bang Theory. "The Big Bear Precipitation" is the 20th episode of the show's ninth season.

The Movie Lie - The Big Bang Theory

Koothrappali sells out Leonard and Wolowitz after they lie to their wives. "The Solder Excursion Diversion" is the 19th episode of the show's ninth season.

Patent Problems - The Big Bang Theory

The boys run into problems when they file for a patent on The Big Bang Theory. "The Application Deterioration" is the 18th episode of the show's ninth season.

A Birthday Surprise - The Big Bang Theory

Sheldon gets a birthday surprise on The Big Bang Theory. "The Celebration Experimentation" is the 17th episode of the show's ninth season.

Freaking Out - The Big Bang Theory

Wolowitz freaks out when Bernadette announces she's pregnant on The Big Bang Theory. "The Positive Negative Reaction" is the 16th episode of the show's ninth season.

Raj Has a Dilemma - The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 14

Raj gets some advice from Howard and Bernadette after meeting a new girl in the comic book store. How will this change his relationship with Emily?

The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Quotes

Some important new information has come to light. Women are the worst. I thought it was paper cuts, but I was wrong. No piece of paper ever cut me this deep.


Whatever. Put us on the internet. I've always wanted a wedding with a comments section.
