The Canary Cry - The Flash Season 1 Episode 19

It certainly looks as though Cisco fashioned a choker like device for Laurel to wear for her scream.

It's Finished - The Flash Season 1 Episode 19

Cisco has finished the work he did on behalf of Laurel.

Fast Friends - The Flash Season 1 Episode 19

Have these two gentlemen become friends. Let's hope so.

Officers - The Flash Season 1 Episode 19

From one officer to another. What are they discussing, exactly?

Amused - The Flash Season 1 Episode 19

Joe is incredibly amused at Cisco's obvious crush on Laurel.

Knowing Grin - The Flash Season 1 Episode 19

Cisco can't wipe the knowing grin off of his face.

Lance Looks Surprised - The Flash Season 1 Episode 19

Lance seems surprised Laurel wants to be a part of the conversation.

Getting Help from SCPD - The Flash Season 1 Episode 19

Joe and Cisco are getting help from Captain Lance at the SCPD.

A Little Help? - The Flash Season 1 Episode 19

Laurel asks Cisco for a little help. With her sonic scream?

Fanboy! - The Flash Season 1 Episode 19

There's no boy like a fanboy and Cisco learns Laurel is Black Canary!

Meeting Laurel - The Flash Season 1 Episode 19

Cisco meets Laurel Lance and he's going to learn her secret.

Alone with Evidence - The Flash Season 1 Episode 19

Joe and Barry are alone with the body of evidence.

The Flash Season 1 Episode 19 Quotes

Laurel: Cisco, I know Barry's The Flash and Oliver's the Arrow.
Cisco: [laughs uncomfortably] HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT?
Laurel: Because. I'm the Black Canary.
Cisco: Stop.
Laurel: It's true.
Cisco: You stop it right now. No! [laughs hysterically]
Laurel: Calm down.
Cisco: you. I mean, I love the way that you beat up criminals and...wait. Why are you telling me this?

You're good, Barry Allen, you're very good.
