Killer Frost gives the death stare - The Flash Season 6 Episode 6

Killer Frost is not happy while she listens intently to what is being said.

Let's Start a Game - The Flash Season 6 Episode 6

Barry and Ralph get caught up in a game poker while trying to solve a case.

Cisco Main - The Flash Season 6 Episode 5

Cisco is trying to understand what happened and if he can help.

Cisco thinks things over - The Flash Season 6 Episode 5

There might be a chance for Cisco to get his powers back, but what would that mean?

Deep Thoughts - The Flash Season 6 Episode 5

Breacher thinks things over as he prepares for his next move.

Interrupted - The Flash Season 6 Episode 5

Cisco and Camilla have an unexpected visitor, How rude, they were having a moment.

Tell me a story - The Flash Season 6 Episode 5

Cisco and Camilla have some pillow talk and get closer.

Camilla takes some responsibility - The Flash Season 6 Episode 5

Seems like Camilla will be helping the team fight baddies. Guess Barry is preparing even her for his death.

Joe is listening - The Flash Season 6 Episode 5

The best listener of Team Flash is all ears and here to help.

Other Wells - The Flash Season 6 Episode 5

Don't know what this Wells is up to, but it's probably not good for our heroes.

Cisco in the Dark - The Flash Season 6 Episode 5

Cisco's powers might be trying to return. Will he become Vibe again?

Camilla does some digging - The Flash Season 6 Episode 5

Camilla is following a lead but will danger be around the corner. Iris is out so she has to handle everything herself.

The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Where I came from, I was a speedster like you. They called me The Flash.
