Guess Who is Back - The Flash Season 6 Episode 5

Will this be bad news for Cisco and his girlfriend? What is going on?

Cisco listens - The Flash Season 6 Episode 5

Cisco is left in charge as Barry and Iris go out of town. Time to prove he is the right choice.

Life Without The Flash

Barry tries to prep Elongated Man for life without The Flash. "License to Elongate" is the sixth episode of the show's sixth season.

Trust No One - The Flash

Killer Frost trusts no one except herself to hunt down the dangerous Ramsey Rosso on The Flash. "Kiss Kiss Breach Breach" is the fifth episode of the show's sixth season.

The Monitor - Elseworlds Part 1 - The Flash Season 5 Episode 9

This photo is to be used in conjunction with the LaMonica Garrett interview.

Cecile Knows - The Flash Season 6 Episode 4

Cecile can feel Joe's pain and tells Barry that he should talk to Joe

Joe isn't ready - The Flash Season 6 Episode 4

With everything going on Joe hasn't had a moment to breathe with Barry's news about his death.

Heart to Heart - The Flash Season 6 Episode 4

Classic Barry and Joe have a talk about Barry's fate and all the emotions involved.

Ready to Go - The Flash Season 6 Episode 4

Barry finds out about Russo and his killings. He stands in shock as the man threatens to kill a doctor.

Hugs cure everything - The Flash Season 6 Episode 4

Cisco and Barry make up after the fight they had about Cisco stealing and unwilling to accept Barry's choice.

Ralph can't accept - The Flash Season 6 Episode 4

Ralph and the team find it hard to accept Barry's passing

Cisco can't accept it - The Flash Season 6 Episode 4

Cisco and the team find it hard to accept Barry's fate

The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Where I came from, I was a speedster like you. They called me The Flash.
