Getting Help - The Good Wife

Alicia considers getting help from investigator Jason Crouse on her latest case on The Good Wife. "Innocents" is the third episode of the show's seventh season.

The Strategists - The Good Wife

Peter hires a national political specialist who has an interesting dynmaic with Eli on The Good Wife. "Bond" is the second episode of the show's seventh season.

A Presidential Candidate - The Good Wife Season 7 Episode 1

In his run for President, Peter's going to do something very, very unpopular. He'll bring in a new political strategist, Ruth Eastman (Margo Martindale), to help with his campaign. She's known nationally and will upset the apple cart just a little bit with Eli. <P><P>Ya think?! Who can't wait to see how things go down between Martindale and Eli's Alan Cumming?? That's going to be good stuff.

SunUp Chicago - The Good Wife Season 7 Episode 1

Peter hits the campaign trail in his bid for president. That's a little difficult to swallow, but Alicia is puttig on a very brave and supportive face! She's all smiles as they visit SunUp Chicago, which is a morning show where he's selling himself as the man to beat.

Old Pals - The Good Wife Season 7 Episode 1

We're not sure what the catalyst is for Alicia and David Lee to be standing on the same front porch of the same house at any given time, but we're pretty certain the story will be worth watching! The looks on their faces alone are starting to tell a juicy tale, don't you think?

Up Close - The Good Wife Season 7 Episode 1

There really isn't much we can say about this photo other than it's a really lovely portrait of star, Julianna Margulies. She certainly doesn't have any reason to be shy in front of a camera!

On the Case - The Good Wife Season 7 Episode 1

Alicia is busily working cases and will come up against guest star Jane Curtain as one Judge Farley. Nope, she doesn't make it into any of the photos, but we hear things. Do you expect she'll give Alicia any trouble? What would a day in court be without Alicia getting a little flack from a presiding judge? That answers that, I think.

Searching the Crowd - The Good Wife Season 7 Episode 1

Is Alicia looking for a familiar face in the crowd? By this time, perhaps she has gotten friendly with Lucca Quinn as the two compete. The nature of the competition will likely tell that tale. Just how much competetion does Alicia need on The Good Wife, anyway?

Starting at the Bottom - The Good Wife Season 7 Episode 1

Alicia will be starting all over again as she gets her fledgling firm off the ground. We don't know much about it, but we do know that while she's assisting arrestees with their bonds in bail court, she will run into a new attorney named Lucca Quinn (Cush Jumbo), who competes for her clients. Will Lucca be working with Alicia in her new firm?

Assisting Arrestees - The Good Wife

Alicia is going to go all out trying to revive her struggling law career during The Good Wife Season 7, and that includes helping arrestees in bail in bond court. It wasn't too long ago Cary was in a similar position, but Alicia wasn't around for that full experience, as she was busy campaigning for office.