Never Gives Up - The Sinner Season 2 Episode 3

Harry never gives up on his cases but nobody ever believes him the first go around.

Is Jack Clean? - The Sinner Season 2 Episode 3

Is Jack clean or is he going to be a part of the town mystery, too?

Heather's Past is Deep - The Sinner Season 2 Episode 3

Heather has a lot of past secrets she's not sharing with Harry.

Scared Little Man - The Sinner Season 2 Episode 3

Julian is a scared little man on the second season of the Sinner.

Uncovering Secrets - The Sinner

A secret is uncovered that could change the course of the investigation on the third episode of the second season of The Sinner.

The Sinner Season 2 Episode 3 Quotes

Harry: OK. Why didn't you report it?
Vera: I've learned that to protect and to serve doesn't apply to Mosswood. I have my own resources.

Adam and Bess were not saving Julian, they were abducting him, but you never thought of that did you. Julian was defending himself.
