Wedding Photos - This Is Us Season 1 Episode 14

If Miguel and his wife were standing at Jebeca's side for their nuptials, it makes even more sense why they'd be concerned at their devastating news. And why Rebecca and Miguel might eventually take solace in one another years later.

Throw the Rice - This Is Us Season 1 Episode 14

Even if you don't get married in a church, your friends and family can still bombard you with happiness and show their joy at your union.

Surprise! - This Is Us Season 1 Episode 14

I'm going to go ahead and assume there will be no love triangle no matter how much Duke the horse man wants it to happen. Nobody puts Toby in a corner!

Parking Lot - This Is Us Season 1 Episode 14's that encounter from the preview. Duke isn't all that welcoming to Kate's fiance. What a bugger.

Showtime! - This Is Us Season 1 Episode 14

Toby shows up at Kate's weight loss camp to try to brighten her day. Will that be the way it goes? We saw his parking lot encounter in the preview. Ouch.

End of Life Planning - This Is Us Season 1 Episode 14

Nobody wants to talk about end of life planning, but when you have the option to discuss it ahead of time, it can make things easier on the dying and those around the person.

Worrying - This Is Us Season 1 Episode 14

Randall is worrying over his father's deteriorating health. It's not going to be easy for him to lose another father, especially after having met him so late in life.

Memories in a Box - This Is Us Season 1 Episode 14

People keep some of their best memories stuffed away not only in their minds, but in tiny boxes, so we can pick them up and recall the finer details.

Scrapbooking - This Is Us Season 1 Episode 14

This looks like some mother daughters time between Beth and the girls. Perhaps they're beginning a scrapbook of their time with Grandpa.

Look At You - This Is Us Season 1 Episode 14

They stare at each other with such wonder. This Is Us is good for us, don't you think? Such beauty to behold.

A Love for the Ages - This Is Us Season 1 Episode 14

We see Jabecca as a love for the ages, but every couple has their troubles. What will they be thinking when their best friends deliver devastating news?

With the Band - This Is Us Season 1 Episode 14

Rebecca's dream was always to be on stage. Can that dream fit into her lifestyle? Is that where she was headed when Jack died?

This Is Us Season 1 Episode 14 Quotes

Kevin, where we left off is with you cheating on me and ruining our marriage.


Jack: No. You don't do that to your family. You find your soul mate, you get married, you stay together until you die. Period.
Rebecca: It's not always that simple.
Jack: It is to me.
Rebecca: Not everyone's you.