Duke: You want to know what I finally figured out, Kate?
Kate: What?
Duke: It's a helluva lot easier to accept who you are, in all your damaged glory, than to try to be someone you're not. It's sure a hell of a lot more fun, too.

Toby: I could get used to this.
Kate: No you couldn't, because you are not supposed to be here.
Toby: Whoa. What's up?
Kate: I take this place seriously and you were acting like a total ass.

You walking into my fourth grade class, Sophie, that's the best thing that ever happened to me in my entire life. Actually that's not true, scratch that, that's the second best thing that ever happened to me. The best thing that ever happened to me was you telling me that you'd marry me. I'm still in love with you, and I will be at our restaurant bright and early tomorrow waiting for you.


Randall: There's nothing to grieve, Beth, the man's alive.
Beth: Randall, neither of us was prepared when our father died. I want our babies to be ready. They deserve that.
Randall: Will you please stop saying things like died or passing or end of life?

So please, Ben, please do not tell me what my husband would do if he loved me. My husband's a freaking superhero, and you have no idea what you're talking about.


Kevin, where we left off is with you cheating on me and ruining our marriage.


Jack: No. You don't do that to your family. You find your soul mate, you get married, you stay together until you die. Period.
Rebecca: It's not always that simple.
Jack: It is to me.
Rebecca: Not everyone's you.

This Is Us Season 1 Episode 14 Quotes

Kevin, where we left off is with you cheating on me and ruining our marriage.


Jack: No. You don't do that to your family. You find your soul mate, you get married, you stay together until you die. Period.
Rebecca: It's not always that simple.
Jack: It is to me.
Rebecca: Not everyone's you.