Deal is Struck

This is where it begins. Peter strikes a deal with Neal to be his partner.

Mozzie Photo

Mozzie is mysterious. He's Neal's friend and his trusted ally within the world of white collar crime.

Elizabeth Burke Picture

Elizabeth Burke is married to FBI agent Peter Burke. We have no idea how he landed such a hottie.

Agent Peter Burke

Peter Burke is a no-nonsense FBI Agent. He caught Neal Caffrey and now he's partners with the criminal.

Neal Caffrey Picture

Once a con artist, always a con artist? Neal Caffrey is trying to remain on the right side of the law.

White Collar Poster

White Collar is a critically acclaimed new drama. It airs on the USA Network.

White Collar Quotes

Burke: You look like a cartoon!
Caffrey: This is classic Rat Pack - this is Devore!
Burke: Oh, sorry, Dino.

Caffrey: How upset were the Canadians?
Peter: Oh, very... well, as upset as Canadians can get.