Staying Put For Now

Or so we think. Katherine Heigl's contract status has been up in the air for some time, and her movie career is taking off, so it's been rumored that she wants out of Grey's Anatomy. We'll see if that proves true.
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Josh Kelley and Katherine Heigl Photo

Josh Kelley and Katherine Heigl are newlyweds, having tied the knot in December of 2007. We think they make a very cute couple, these two! This nice Josh Kelley and Katherine Heigl photo should prove it.
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Josh Kelley with Katherine Heigl

Josh Kelley with Katherine Heigl in April 2008... you have to love these two celebs and newlyweds! Well, at least we do.
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Mr. & Mrs. Kelley

Mr. & Mrs. Josh Kelley! Oh, well, Katherine Heigl does not use his name in actuality, but she is married to the singer. Cute couple, they make!
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Back to Work

Katherine Heigl heads to work on Grey's Anatomy. It's a good sight for those of us worried she may want out!
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The Wave

Katherine Heigl waves on the set of her new movie, The Ugly Truth. Another romantic comedy for our Grey's Anatomy star.
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Can You Hear Me?

Katherine Heigl gets some poor reception... or some bad news ... or is just tired... aww, we don't know. Cute photo though.
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Katie Heigl Photo

Katherine Heigl is how she's most commonly known. She's the best. At least Josh Kelley would agree that's the case when it comes to this Grey's Anatomy star!
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Katherine Heigl looks stellar as always in this photo taken in May 2008.
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Full of Hot Air?

That has been said of Katherine Heigl before - but right here, we're just referring to a hot air balloon. Sorry, Katie! The Grey's Anatomy star is filming a new movie called The Ugly Truth.
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Always Up to No Good

Katherine Heigl, love her as we do, seems to be in the news for controversial remarks more often than not.
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Katherine Heigl: Leaving?

We will see, but Katherine Heigl's recent comments certainly haven't given us a lot of faith that she will be back on Grey's Anatomy for its fifth season.
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Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
