Casey: So, you put your boyfriend in charge of your app?
Mariana: Well because he was on the team before Claire.
Casey: And not because you could micromanage him? 

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Good Trouble Season 2 Episode 12: "Gumboot Becky"
Good Trouble
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Good Trouble Season 2 Episode 12 Quotes

Malika: I mean, If you're treated as intellectually less than from day one why would you believe in yourself or bother trying?
Mariana: Even at MIT some of my professors definitely assumed that the white women in my class were smarter than me.
Malika: Always.
Davia: I don't underestimate my kids. I even took your advice and found a book they could relate to.

Callie: What is that? 
Wilson: Security footage from Tate's building. I just got it. If he's on it he's going to be very sorry he stepped foot in my house.