Aunt Lydia: It was Gilead that saved you. Our boys cleaning out Chicago. They saved you from starvation and worse.
Janine: Where’s June? Is she dead?
Aunt Lydia: Your friend is in Canada.
Janine: She is?
Aunt Lydia: That godforsaken place.
Janine: She made it. I always knew she would make it.
Aunt Lydia: I don’t know why you’re so happy. June left you.
Janine: No she didn’t.
Aunt Lydia: Janine, don’t tell me she couldn’t have taken you with her. She’s done it before. Maybe this time you were just too much trouble. It’s difficult to know with that one, so unpredictable, selfish.
Janine: I know what happens here. I know what will keep happening until I die. Just don’t make me a handmaid again, please.
Aunt Lydia: Look what she’s done to you. She corrupts. She destroys everyone. You poor thing. You’ve spent your entire life losing the people you love.
Janine: Aunt Lydia please, just don’t send me back into service. I’d rather die here.

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The Handmaid's Tale Season 4 Episode 8: "Testimony"
The Handmaid's Tale
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The Handmaid's Tale Season 4 Episode 8 Quotes

June: I thought I’d have more in common with them.
Moira: Well, they don’t all come with their own security detail, so…
June: You know what I mean. Feelings, forgiveness, journaling. Why aren’t they more angry?
Moira: How do you know they’re not?

I’m not nervous or worried or scared. I can’t fucking wait.
