That's it! Taste the pain. Kneel... kneel before Zod!


I didn't get anything from Cardiff.


Isaac: You're all fornicators; screwing each other every day of the week, including Sabbath. I swear, if Jesus Christ walked the streets of Salem, he wouldn't find a man worth saving.
Magistrate Hawthorne: This is vile blasphemy and you will hang for it.
Isaac: Go on then, hang me! Hang me! Done died on those stocks years ago. You all so busy looking for where the evil came from, you brought it with you.

Sir Malcolm: This company is safe.
Victor: Is it though? Are any of us immune to this danger we can't see, can't touch, but is everlastingly present? Mr. Lyle's right, tell no one.

She called me her little scorpion and only said my name aloud once... before she was murdered; tied to that tree outside.


What kind of a world would have demons, but no angels?


John: Did you have any friends?
John Alden: Well let's see. There was a boy, Isaac, he was a kind and simple soul -- still is, but do you know who my dearest friend, the one I loved most already, even when I was your age?
John: Who?
John Alden: Why, the girl who turned out to be your mother.
John: I miss her.
John Alden: Me too.

Vanessa: It's the opposite of homicide. Always look at your opponents eyes.
Ethan: And then?
Vanessa: Proceed gently. Take my waist. Up here Mr. Chandler, and sway.

Ethan: You will not die while I'm here. You will not surrender while I live. If I have one goddamned purpose in my cursed life it's that.
Vanessa: You are one man.
Ethan: More than that and you know it. We are not like others. We have claws for a reason.

Is it a sickness? Or is it something else? Is it a blessing, the purpose of which we can not yet see? I say, this is what it is. For I know you my friend, Ethan Chandler, I see inside you.


You take a woman's power away. Her work, her family her currency. You leave her with one coin...the one she was born with. It may be tawdry and demeaning, but if she has to, she will spend it. But you're right, your feelings count too.


Cesar: Christina. Christina got some decent mommy skills. Maybe she can take care of the baby for a little while.
Daya: She's in junior high.