And please don't scream. It's tedious and no one can hear you.

Dr. Kelly Niemann

(to Beckett) Despite the situation I want you to know that I admire you. I always have.

Dr. Kelly Niemann

Ryan: Do you think she's still alive?
Castle: She's alive.
Ryan: How do you know?
Castle: Because he's not done with me yet.

If I took you I'd only get to kill you once but this way I get to kill you over and over again.

Jerry Tyson

When I first got here I couldn't figure out what Beckett saw in you but you know what she said? He sees the story. I see the evidence, where it leads but he sees the story.

Capt. Gates

It's not just the murder he likes, it's the game.

Rick Castle

It's easier for you, isn't it, if you believe that? Then your betrayal becomes my problem! Omar! I f*cking trusted you! I gave you all of my trust and you gave me nothing in return! Nothing! Now people I loved that trusted me are dead because of you. You have killed hundreds of innocents. You will keep killing. So, now, when one can act [shoots twice] one should act as a liberator [shoots again].


I think you should have somebody as Chief of Staff who is like minded, and after a lot of soul searching, I don't think that's me.


Hey, Butch, dance for me.


No kidding. I mean you're kidding right? This is an elaborate prank?


We have one simple choice. We die here alone on our knees or we stand up, and we fight with our family.


What you said earlier, about sharing lives, you're right.
