Mr. McAllister: I'm not sure it's terribly helpful to suggest Mrs. Blane is too old to watch tennis.
Mrs. Russell: I just didn't want her to be trapped in a crowd of shouting young men from Harvard.
Mr. McAllister: Oh, I think she'll enjoy it.

Mrs. Russell: Do you think the new Metropolitan Opera will succeed?
Mr. McAllister: Members of the Academy are very determined it should not, and if you jump that way, you’ll never take Mrs. Astor with ya. My advice would be to stick with her. She’ll get you into the Academy in the end.
Mrs. Russell: I’m not much good with “in the end.” Besides, nothing stays the same forever, and I can’t always be at Mrs. Astor’s beck and call.
Mr. McAllister: Why not? I am.

Aurora: You do know I won’t go against Mrs. Astor.
Mrs. Russell: I know you think you won’t. But don’t worry, we shan’t fall out.

The Gilded Age Quotes

I may be a bastard, Mr. Thorburn, but you are a fool -- and of the two, I think I know which I prefer.

Mr. George Russell

I know he feels what he thinks is love, but I disagree with his definition.

Peggy Scott